October, 2023

School Garden Bed Grant Program

We will once again be offering our School GKids with their hands in the air excited about a donationarden Grant Program for 2024. This annual program provides redwood garden bed materials to local schools, supports student education, and grows gardens!

Our school redwood garden bed grants provide opportunities for students and teachers to learn about plant biology, to discuss how food is grown, and to learn about the interaction between plants, water and sunshine. Students may also be able to assist in the construction of the garden beds. Late Big Creek Lumber co-founder Lud McCrary was famous for his vegetable garden and Big Creek is proud to offer students and teachers the same joy of getting their hands dirty and growing their own food to share with friends and family.

All eligible applications (schools must be within 25 miles of a Big Creek Location) will be placed in a drawing and twelve winners will be selected at random, two per yard. Garden bed deliveries take place every spring just in time to plant spring gardens at the school. We encourage all eligible schools to apply. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn about construction, where their food comes from and healthy eating habits.

Market Report

The green Douglas Fir market is trying to find a trading level on narrows. Wide’s are going up. The plywood market is flat to firm. The OSB market is soft. Availability a problem on some items.

Santa Cruz County Fair 

Big Creek Lumber Company has been a major sponsor of the Santa Cruz County Fair for decades and 2023 was no exception!

Between September 13th and 17th we had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of fairgoers. This year we provided a shaded booth where people could get out of the sun and enjoy their fair food.

Thanks all our employees who made our booth a success!Tent over a fair booth with a grassy area


Product Research